? ⅰⅱⅲ本片于2014年4月
,在西班牙上映播出。 為了實現當演員的夢想
,華尼托移居至紐約城。幾年后,他的夢還是沒有實現,他也只能努力拼搏 。有一天
。這部喜劇電影由獲獎無數的佩德羅·阿莫多瓦御用男演員賈維爾·卡馬拉主演,他曾在《對她說》、《不良教育》 、《露西亞的情人》等影片中均有精彩表現。Juanito moved to New York to follow his dream of being a big actor. Years have passed and he didn't achieve the success, he expected and spends his life working in different jobs to survive. One day his cousin Jorge arrives to visit him, expecting Juanito to be a successful man. However, through living together they will discover the truth about each other.