? ⅰⅱⅲ琪琪(瑪莉亞·波比絲達舒 Maria Popistasu 飾)是一個個性非常自由奔放的女孩,和哥哥山度(杜鐸·奇里拉 Tudor Chirila 飾)之間分分合合糾纏不清。這一天,琪琪又和山度吵架了 ,氣瘋了的她決定將自己的注意力轉移到一個名為艾利克斯(尤安娜·巴布 Ioana Barbu 飾)的姑娘身上
,琪琪和艾利克斯之間的感情漸漸逾越了友誼。 眼看著琪琪離自己越來越遠
。Love. It just happens. No rules. It may look sick, but it's deep and it hurts. For everyone, Alex and Kiki are just good friends. They happen to be two girls experiencing another kind of love. For their family, Kiki and Sandu are sister and brother who sometimes fight. They happen to be lovers. Love Sick is about their stories.