? ⅰⅱⅲ第二次世界大戰(zhàn)即將爆發(fā)時,一個富有的寡婦雇用了一名業(yè)余考古學家在她的莊園內(nèi)挖掘墓冢。當他們做出歷史性發(fā)現(xiàn)時,英國的過去和不確定的未來將遙相呼應
。The drama tells the story of the 1938 excavation of Sutton Hoo’s burial site, which included a bounty of riches from the sixth and seventh century. Blanchett would play amateur archaeologist Edith Pretty, who was one of the driving forces behind the excavation at a time when our world was caught in a state of uncertainty during World War II.An archaeologist embarks on the historically important excavation of Sutton Hoo in 1938.