? ⅰⅱⅲ弗雷德和他的年輕妻子埃洛迪和女兒住在一個低收入的住房。 他賺了多少錢給了他的朋友,促使他的妻子走了出去。 弗雷德感到非常沮喪 ,他在辦公室里與一位前女友桑德琳(Sandrine)一起跑步 。 他們躲在一所學校里,遇到了一位神秘的非洲人Maguette,他聲稱自己是被廢英國王的兒子。 在馬奎特的魔力和冒充權(quán)威的能力的幫助下,弗雷德和桑德琳逃到了法國南部,搶走了金庫并獲得了一筆不小的財產(chǎn)。 弗雷德找到了一個和平的避風港,只想到他的妻子并決心贏回她......Saints are a nuisance to live with at home ,and in the world we live in,it takes a lot of faith and a total commitment to succeed;Fred lives on a low-income housing estate with his young wife Elodie and daughter. What little money he earns he gives away to his friends, prompting his wife to walk out on him. Emotionally devastated, Fred holds up a post-office and goes on the run with a former girlfriend, Sandrine. Hiding in a school, they come across Maguette, a mysterious African who claims to be the son of a deposed king. Assisted by Maguette’s magic and ability to impersonate people in authority, Fred and Sandrine flee to the South of France, robbing back vaults and acquiring a small fortune on the way. Having found a haven of peace, Fred thinks only of his wife and is determined to win her back…