? ⅰⅱⅲ那些年一閃即逝,兩個(gè)同窗好友的愛(ài)之頌
,成了在英語(yǔ)會(huì)話 課才能宣之於口的白日夢(mèng)。與暗戀的奈津美結(jié)婚育兒,厚久 已忘掉雪糕棒的分甘同味。夜空早變深藍(lán),無(wú)意間撞破妻子偷 歡,他卻只懂把憤怒與悲傷埋藏於密雲(yún) 。當(dāng)死亡如惡作劇般欺 身而至,說(shuō)不出口的愛(ài)意
,能否在單身父親角色的缺口裏透 出曙光?前AKB48成員大島優(yōu)子與仲野太賀
、若葉龍也三人 行 ,意在言外的默契與疏離,於石井裕也(《東京夜空最深 藍(lán)》,41屆)壓抑的鏡頭下
,在沉默中爆發(fā),抑或在沉默中 滅亡?幼馴染おさななじみの山田厚久、奈津美(今は厚久の妻)、武田の三人は
、今でも仲が良い。 時(shí)々三人で酒を飲み、いろいろな話をする 。厚久と奈津美の間には五歳の娘?鈴がいて、平凡ではあるが、それなりの生活を送っていた。だが突然、奈津美が離婚したいと言い始めた。すると厚久と奈津美、武田の関係が歪んでいく......。Atsuhisa is an ordinary man living with his wife Natsumi and a five-year-old daughter Suzu. Atsuhisa and Natsumi have been friends with Takeda since high school. Once dreamed of becoming singers, Takeda and Atsuhisa are now taking Chinese and English lessons, hoping to become businessmen one day. One day, Astuhisa discovers that Natsumi is having an affair, and Natsumi asks Atsuhisa for a divorce. All the Things We Never Said is the first of the six low-budget films from the Hong Kong International Film Festival's Back to Basics (B2B) project. Director Ishii Yuya paints a portrait of disjointed and helpless yet unhateable youth who have bottled-up resentment that needs to be released. Director Park Jong-beom makes an appearance as Atsuhisa's older brother.