? ⅰⅱⅲ15世紀初意大利南部的Puglia,年輕的修女Flavia Gaetani對宗教統治下婦女的不平等待遇質疑教會,可卻沒有得到回應。性壓抑、宗教壓迫使她透不過氣,一次機會 ,她和猶太人朋友Abraham逃離了修道院 ,不幸的是,沒多久就被神父的士兵捕獲
,受到鞭刑,Abraham則被關進地牢。在穆斯林軍隊侵占意大利期間,Flavia成了穆斯林軍領導人Ahmed的情人 ,通過他報復羞辱過她的修女和神父,但她的力量畢竟太單薄……
。 電影以性壓迫、宗教壓迫和異端邪教為話題,講述了修女Flavia的故事,對於信仰天主教的人來說 ,電影內容可能會十分的反感
?這值得思考。導演Gianfranco Mingozzi於2009年去世,他曾是意大利著名的紀錄片導演,多次獲獎。主演Flavia的Florinda Bolkan生於巴西 ,後移居意大利
,是與索菲亞羅蘭(Sophia Loren)齊名的意大利女演員
。In Puglia, southern Italy, in the early 15th century, the young nun Flavia gaetani questioned the church about the unequal treatment of women under religious rule, but she did not get a response. Sexual repression and religious oppression made her breathless. Once, she and her Jewish friend Abraham fled the monastery. Unfortunately, she was captured and whipped by the priest's soldiers before long, and Abraham was put into the dungeon. During the occupation of Italy by the Muslim army, Flavia became the lover of Ahmed, the leader of the Muslim army. He retaliated and humiliated her nuns and priests through him, but her strength was too weak after all. The film focuses on sexual oppression, religious oppression and heresy. It tells the story of sister Flavia. For people who believe in Catholicism, the content of the film may be very disgusting, the atmosphere is depressed, and it is rare to see a smile. Reality makes Flavia doubt religion, abandon her original belief, become a feminist fighter and join the struggle with the church. At least her courage is worthy of sympathy. In fact, Flavia can be divided into four parts: nun Flavia, civilian Flavia, soldier Flavia and martyr Flavia, which is easier to understand. What does a nun get into the belly of a dead cow suggest to us in the film? This is worth thinking about. Director Gianfranco mingozzi died in 2009. He was a famous documentary director in Italy and won many awards. Florinda bolkan, who starred Flavia, was born in Brazil and moved to Italy. She is an Italian actress as famous as Sophia Loren.