? ⅰⅱⅲ一個被革除了執(zhí)照的律師來到了布達佩斯小酒館
,引發(fā)了一場激烈的槍戰(zhàn)…… 本片的第一導演丁度·巴拉斯是日后意大利乃至世界色情電影王國中如日中天的新帝王。在執(zhí)導完偵探驚險片《布達佩斯小酒館》后,徘徊不定的丁度終于認清了拍色情片才是自己橫溢才華施展之地。A lawyer is working as a debt collector for his partner Sapo. Escorting prostitute Milena impregnated by Sapo to an unnamed sea resort of grotesque, he encounters the ambitious young ringleader Molecola who has bought several old recreational sites in the environs to turn the town into an "Italian Las Vegas" but the hotel-bar named Snack Bar Budapest run by a man and his family remains an obstacle. Molecola needs a lawyer to legitimize forceful evacuation of Snack Bar Budapest and the lawyer agrees.