? ⅰⅱⅲ因地盤之爭
,以真紀(池玲子 飾)為首的京都本地不良少女團伙和來自大阪的黑百合會發(fā)生連番沖突。在最終決戰(zhàn)中,真紀憑借過人的勇氣戰(zhàn)勝黑百合會的番長由理(風間千代子 飾) ,從而確立了其在京都的統(tǒng)治地位。與此同時
,真紀從好色僧人玄海(由利徹 飾)手中騙取數(shù)百萬日元,惹惱了玄海背后的黑道勢力黑地會
。黑地會老大黑地正義(小池朝雄 飾)利用由理對真紀的憎恨 ,不僅成功激化兩個女子團伙的矛盾,還導致由理和男友露木榮三(小池朝雄 飾)關(guān)系徹底破裂。隨著黑地組貪婪的欲望不斷擴長
,他們與少女團伙的爭斗愈加激烈…… 本片為東映“女番長系列”系列第二部,片中東映另一著名暴走族系列影片《不良番長》的角色不良番長宮原明(梅宮辰夫 飾)還在其中客串。When two Girl Bosses fight each other over territory, their enmity is difficult to solve - they are equals in looks, strength, determination, and power of their respective girl gangs. So, the way is open to a mischievous Yakuza Boss who invites them for a peaceful way to decide their feud: a sexual challenge for him to decide who is the better Girl Boss. Trapped, both are subject to the man's lust and sadistic assaults. They escape by joining forces against the yakuza gang, though it costs one of the young women her life - when she was friends already with her former enemy.