? ⅰⅱⅲ電影一般缺乏角色發(fā)展。這部電影一度跟隨著看起來最狡猾的黑幫(Flavio Bucci
,從“夜間列車謀殺案”)到他的家 ,在那里他與另一個黑幫老婆和她的孩子在一起,但不僅僅是角色的發(fā)展,這似乎更像是一個另一個性愛場面的借口
。普拉西多的角色有一個有趣的回憶,他在一艘骯臟的釣魚駁船上工作,這與他駕駛游艇的幻想形成鮮明對比。這部電影非常具有階級意識,因為這個可憐的西西里男孩正在為一個富有的北方女孩墮落(意大利頭銜“La Orca”來自她所穿的設(shè)計師服裝)。普拉西多在這里相當不錯,但是這款帥氣,膚色黝黑的大塊頭并不像下層的西西里痞子那樣令人信服
。The movie is generally lacking in character development. The film at one point follows the creepiest-looking gangster (Flavio Bucci from the "The Night Train Murders") to his home where he is shacking up with another gangster's wife and her kid, but more than character development this seems to be more an excuse for another sex scene. The Placido character has an interesting flashback of him working on a filthy fishing barge, which is contrasted with a fantasy where he is piloting a yacht. This movie is very class-conscious in the way it has this poor Sicilian boy falling for a rich, northern girl (the Italian title "La Orca" comes from the designer outfit she's wearing). Placido is pretty good here, but this handsome, light-complexioned hunk is not too convincing as a lower-class Sicilian ruffian. As for Neihaus, I can't decide if she is a bad actress, or is just playing a really obnoxious character (she's more Paris Hilton than Patty Hearst). She does get naked several times which, judging from the English, title was the primary consideration.A teenage girl is kidnapped by 3 guys and taken to an abandoned house in the country, and make her write her own ransom letter. She soon discovers that one of her captors is infatuated with...