? ⅰⅱⅲ本片是獻給身為父母的外來務工者, 兩億人的身后有多少孩子等待著他們的照顧和關愛。也是獻給所有殘疾兒童和他們的父母,我們是連在一起的
!一列南下的火車,從北方的冰天雪地來到了“中國制造之都”東莞,當內蒙姑娘梁錚錚(梁靜 飾)帶著孩子開始了這次旅程,她火辣辣的 性格和自閉癥兒子(朱江迪 飾)的緘默形成了命運的交集
,走到了法律和情感的邊緣 ,何處是他們的家園?梁錚錚從不懷疑自己無論容貌或能力,哪一點都不輸給別人 ,然而,這一切都被她兒子改變了。兒子8歲,行為古怪,無法交流
,開始了與洪衛(wèi)星的一段同居關系。洪衛(wèi)星是她的上司 ,刻板嚴明,這一套在這間萬人工廠如魚得水。梁錚錚在洪衛(wèi)星身上看到了新生活的希望
。ZhengZheng, a young mother of an autistic child, travels the great distance from northern China to DongGuan, the land of tens of thousands of factories, looking for her husband. With her special-needs child XinXin in tow, she finds herself alone in the enormous city, with nothing but her wits and inner strength to guide her. When she realizes her husband is nowhere to be found, she is forced to take a factory job, earning just enough to support herself and her little boy, whom she hands over to the care of a community home. With hard work, ZhengZheng is promoted, moves into an apartment, and even finds a new love. Life is looking up...but the relationship is not without strings attached, and caring for an autistic son proves more and more challenging. It seems the one thing holding ZhengZheng back from happiness is her son. But things are not always as they seem.