? ⅰⅱⅲ橘孝平(中村雅俊 飾)和妻子千尋(原田美枝子 飾)之間早就沒有了感情
,他決定在退休的那一天提出離婚,然后著情人夏美一起經(jīng)營事務(wù)所。千尋任勞任怨的做了三十年的全職太太,沒想到忽然之間就失了業(yè)。絕望中,她找了一份鐘點(diǎn)工的工作,服務(wù)于一位名叫麗子(戶田惠子 飾)的女子。麗子和千尋很快就成為了無話不談的好友,在麗子的幫助下,千尋整個人都煥然一新,神采飛揚(yáng)。改頭換面的千尋吸引了小說家麻生的注意,然而千尋的心依舊系在孝平的身上。孝平和千尋的女兒真紀(jì)(星野真里 飾)生產(chǎn)在即,這讓孝平重新見到了千尋,而一封遲到了三十年的信讓孝平終于明白了千尋對自己深厚而又真摯的感情。Three parallel love stories involving Tokyo couples well into the second half of their lives. A workaholic man leaves his wife after 30 years of a loveless marriage. A couple that is constantly bickering rediscovers their love when faced with a serious health issue. A woman whose career has been far more successful than her love life tries to connect with a widower who doesn't think he has anything to offer.