? ⅰⅱⅲ單親家庭,銀行搶劫,少男少女
,七十年代——一部“全球幸福指數最高的國家”丹麥拍攝的青春片/成長電影:的確與眾不同哦!此外 ,里面還有幾首極具時代特色 ,好聽的電影插曲!During a bank holdup, a teenaged boy and girl (Karl Wagner and Marianne Svendsen) are taken hostage by the robbers. After a very pleasant captivity, during which they play Monopoly with their captors, they escape into the countryside. The two consummate their first love and have a number of delightful adventures but eventually must return to their everyday lives.A bored 15-year-old boy is taken hostage by bank robbers, along with a girl he is attracted to.