? ⅰⅱⅲ布商之女瑪麗因家境殷實而遭到本城城主的陷害,父親被殺,自己受到凌辱和鞭刑后被逐出康斯坦丁城。瑪麗發(fā)誓要回來報仇血恨,為此她改名換姓為漢娜 。流亡途中被一群妓女所收留 。為了雪恨,她只能被迫使用上帝賜予女性最天然的武器。Marie Schaerer, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy cloth merchant, is accused of harlotry on the eve of her arranged marriage to the illegitimate son of a Duke. She is jailed, robbed of her innocence, whipped in public, and banished from the city. Injured and close to death, Marie is found by a group of traveling whores. Her only chance for survival is to become one. Driven by her intense hatred of the men that ruined her life and her burning desire for revenge, Marie takes on a new identity and returns to the city.