? ⅰⅱⅲ在古老而遙遠(yuǎn)的歐洲大陸,有一個(gè)名為回龍鎮(zhèn)的山地王國 。這一日,老國王病入膏肓
,這里土地荒蕪,莊稼干枯,民不聊生,國無希望。由于老國王已經(jīng)晏駕,馬拉奇被推舉為新的國王 。時(shí)值此時(shí),神秘的魔法師克里默出現(xiàn)在馬拉奇等人的面前,他指出回龍鎮(zhèn)目前的慘狀全為邪惡的女巫們所為。為了拯救自己的國家,馬拉奇集結(jié)了諸多勇士向女巫首領(lǐng)赤女妖宣戰(zhàn)。在這一過程中他發(fā)現(xiàn)
,自己竟與女巫有著千絲萬縷的關(guān)系……In the Middle Ages, Erik and Jason seek out his compatriot Malachy and force him to return to his homeland. When they arrive, they find that Malachy's father, the King, is dead and their lands are completely devastated. Soon, witch hunter Kramer meets Malachy and tells him that a coven of witches led by the evil Red Queen is responsible for the destruction of the crops. Malachi teams-up with Erik, Jake, Kramer and four warrior-thieves to find the Red Queen. But the witch is very powerful and the skilled warrior Jozefa protects her.