? ⅰⅱⅲ京都太秦,一個有著上千年悠久歷史、至今仍依存大量古跡名勝的城市。在上世紀(jì)后半葉,多家電影廠及數(shù)不勝數(shù)的電影工作者在此留下足跡
。供職于當(dāng)?shù)卮髮W(xué)圖書館的東出京子(海老瀬はな 飾)是商業(yè)街洗衣店的女兒,她的青梅竹馬梁瀨康太(USA 飾)不愿過早繼承家里的豆腐店,一心成為名聞全國的搞笑藝人,可是卻不斷遭受挫折,彼此互有好感的兩人也因此磕磕絆絆。在此期間 ,京子結(jié)識了來自東京的交換學(xué)者榎大地(田中狀太郎 飾)
。榎對這個質(zhì)樸的女孩一見鐘情,隨即展開了熱烈的追求。平靜的太秦,略帶失落和憂傷的愛情物語悄悄上演……本片由山田洋次攜其擔(dān)任客座教授的立命館大學(xué)映像學(xué)部22名學(xué)生共同制作。Kyoko is a university librarian and she also helps her parents with their drycleaning company. She is involved with a childhood friend from the neighborhood, Kota. He is the son of the local tofu maker and has begun a moderately successful career as a stand-up comedian. A visiting lecturer from Tokyo falls head-over-heels in love with Kyoko and asks her to go abroad with him to Beijing, where he has to spend the next few years for his research. But Kyoko cannot decide.