? ⅰⅱⅲ伊莎貝拉(瓦萊麗·勒梅西埃 Valérie Lemercier 飾)在遠洋公司里擔任人力資源總監(jiān)的職務,實際上 ,她和老板一直保持著一段地下戀情
,當然不會坐以待斃,她決定利用自己的職務之便對老板進行報復 。 海軍皇家巡航艦即將起航,伊莎貝拉招募了一個名叫雷米(弗蘭克·杜波斯科 Franck Dubosc 飾)的男人到船上擔任節(jié)目主持人。雷米是一個非常難搞的人,他的身后總跟著一大堆的麻煩,同時他也是麻煩的始作俑者。Isabelle (Valerie Lemercier), HR of a large cruise company, made the mistake of choosing her boss as a lover. Before embarking on the maiden voyage of the new flagship of the fleet, though, he decided to disembark from their relationship! Some women take their revenge by poison, firearm, or slander. Isabelle chooses Remy (Franck Dubosc), a flamboyant, unemployed ne'er-do-well who flunked out in life on land, but after all is said and done, might have better luck at sea... She recruits him as leader of her plot and on this Palace of the Seas, Remy will first prove to be the worst nightmare of the CEO and Richard (Gerard Darmon), the Cruise Director...then, little by little, he will change his life and that of all those who cross his path...