? ⅰⅱⅲ陷入的瞬間,毀滅也隨之到來。韓國版《本能》情色系列《夏娃的誘惑》四部曲之二 電影導演鎮(zhèn)英再次受挫
。當天晚上,三年沒有消息的電影制片人尚浩聯(lián)系鎮(zhèn)英,希望可以見面。于是鎮(zhèn)英赴江遠道看望尚浩 。見到尚浩,鎮(zhèn)英大吃一驚。原來,尚浩因為一場交通逃逸事件成為了殘疾,坐在了輪椅上。但是,當他聽到尚浩的囑托時更是吃了一驚。 尚浩拜托鎮(zhèn)英幫忙偷拍自己妻子和別的男人偷偷交往的照片。鎮(zhèn)英無奈之下答應了尚浩,從那天起,鎮(zhèn)英開始用鏡頭捕捉尚浩妻子的日常生活 。該名女子正是曾經(jīng)和自己春風一度的神秘女子仁愛。驚訝之余,卻身不由己再次陷入仁愛的魅惑陷阱中,再次發(fā)生了一夜情 。然而,仁愛卻說自己是真心愛著丈夫的。鎮(zhèn)英找到尚浩
,卻從尚浩那兒...Returning from a steamy excursion with her lover, Hee Ra, a plastic surgeon finds her husband dead in her bedroom. Although she has a solid alibi, detective Min Ho's intuition points to the wife as the murderer. In search of evidence, the detective begins to observe her daily routine, but gradually he is spellbound by her irresistible charm. Then another suspect appears, someone from her past, whom he believes to be the culprit. Seeing the closure of the murder case, they become closer than ever. But past secrets reveal themselves, taking him to the point of no return.