? ⅰⅱⅲ癡迷
,克里斯蒂娜,誰也愛上了這個年輕女子絕望??死锼沟倌仍谝粋€聰明的花花公子的幫助下分手了,這對夫婦通過“愛情病毒和浪漫的徒勞”理論,在被神秘謀殺前操縱了妮可。克里斯蒂娜作為嫌疑犯被捕。當(dāng)克里斯蒂娜在精神病院接受審訊時,丟失的門打開了。凱瑟琳 ,一位年輕漂亮的精神病醫(yī)生,被法庭指派去發(fā)現(xiàn)這個被鬼魂和奇怪的性狀況困擾的殺人嫌疑犯的瘋狂而有趣的頭腦里發(fā)生了什么。經(jīng)過長時間的對峙,神秘的克里斯蒂娜打開了年輕精神病醫(yī)生的心扉
。Obsession, sex, and illusion are depicted in a series of parallel stories. Alex, a museum guard is love-struck with Nicole with whom he lives. She meets a naive Amazon, Kristina, who likewise falls desperately in love with the young woman. Kristina enlists the help of an intellectual playboy to break up the couple who by theorizing on the "love-virus and the futility of romance manages to manipulate Nicole before being mysteriously murdered. Kristina is arrested as a suspect. The Lost Door opens while Kristina is being interrogated in a psychiatric hospital where she has been committed. Catherine, a young and beautiful psychiatrist has been assigned by the court to discover what goes on in the deranged yet intriguing mind of this suspected murderer, haunted by ghosts and strange sexual situations. After a long confrontation, it's the mysterious Kristina who opens up the young psychiatrists mind to her own repressed desires.