? ⅰⅱⅲ史蒂芬和她的丈夫亞當(dāng)沉淪于性愛的歡愉,日子過得十分愜意,直到史蒂芬的父親不幸身亡
,她只好扛起父親的事業(yè) 。無論如何 ,亞當(dāng)耗盡全力增加他的幻想,但他已不再滿足他的另一伴,因他已被熱情的委托人莘蒂克林斯控制著
,以致于亞當(dāng)變得愚□,甚至無法擺脫牽制,史蒂芬會是下一個受控者嗎?是誰在打擊他?當(dāng)很多事故一再地發(fā)生 ,杰克是最被受猜疑的 ,亦或是亞當(dāng)還是莘蒂 ,?Interior decorator Stephanie Dorsey and contractor Adam seem to be the perfect couple living in the perfect neighborhood. But their marriage is crumbling when Adam enters into an affair. Tempted with wandering eyes of her own, Stephanie has another -- life-threatening -- problem to deal with: one by one, her friends fall victim to a brutal attacker.