? ⅰⅱⅲ李瑟(金惠秀飾)是一個就遇到晴天霹靂的大事件也不會驚慌失措的先天樂觀家庭主婦,她現(xiàn)在正在和一個無比善良單純,但小自己十歲的大學生(李民基飾)秘密約會著
,要不然也會礙手礙腳 。為了做到“天衣無縫的外遇”一場翻天覆地出人意料的騷動正在逼近,他們的戀愛史也正無法控制的走向那場騷動的漩渦中Two bored housewives who use "Dewdrop" and "Tweetie" as their Internet chat room monikers are longing for a bit of excitement. Though Tweetie quickly hooks up with Fox, an older but eager salesman, at first she isn't sure that the idea of an affair isn't more exciting than its consummation. Fiesty 30ish Dewdrop, meanwhile, looking to pay back her cheating husband, finds the appropriate currency in a virginal 20-year-old college student. One day, when both women are in their respective motel rooms with different men, police barge into Dewdrop's room to arrest them (adultery being illegal in South Korea). Watching the scene, Tweetie is startled to discover that one of the raiding cops is her husband...