? ⅰⅱⅲ芭芭拉是一個性感的脫衣舞女,但她是獻給她的丈夫。 當一個富有且依賴法律的土地所有者命令謀殺她的丈夫去接她時,她計劃并進行致命的報復(fù)
。 她開始在富人和他的兒子之間開玩笑,他們也曾虐待她,使他有兩個人被殺,然后她開始反對實際的殺手,自己開槍,離開老的lecher和他的大兒子 到最后。 不過,最后的對抗有一些驚喜。Barbara is a sexy stripper, but she is dedicated to her husband. When a rich and above-the-law land-owner orders the murder of her husband to get her, she plans, and conducts, deadly revenge. She starts by intriguing between the rich man and his sons, who also had abused her, so that he has two of them killed, and then she sets out against the actual killers, shooting them herself, and leaving the old lecher and his older son to the last. The final confrontation has some surprises, though.A beautiful woman sees her husband murdered, and is abducted on orders of a powerful land lord who covets her body. She may look like a tamed puma, but eventually she will find ways to find freedom and love again.